Monday, December 2, 2019

V/V Album Release Announcement

V/V Album Release Announcement:

The coming of the new year brings the coming of the first V/V album, classically titled ‘V/V I’. On January 1, 2020, ‘V/V I’ will be born at the stroke of midnight. Like the Roman god Janus, we synchronously look back into our past and forward into our future.

For us, ‘V/V I’ very much embodies our past. Embedded in the music of this album are moments and memories that formed us. Changed us. Defined us.

As we cross over into the new year, this album represents the passage of V/V from the ‘then’ into the ‘NOW’ - and into the distant and equivocal future. For whatever may happen, V/V will endure as long as we both draw breath.


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